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The Physics Behind Systems Biology
Edited by: Nicole E. Radde and Marc-Thorsten Hütt
This thematic series explores the physics foundations of systems biology and show how this novel discipline stands on a basis paved by physical principles.
Collection published: 5 May 2016


Advances in Neural Population Models and Their Networks
Edited by: Ingo Bojak, Stephan van Gils, Sid Visser
Neural population models (NPMs) - also known as neural mass models, mean field models or neural field models - describe the overall behavior of large ensembles of neurons and are particularly suitable for describing non-invasive neuro-imaging data. NPMs are also becoming the method of choice for modeling partial or even full brain networks. This thematic series collects works advancing the current state-of-the-art of the theoretical analysis and practical applications of NPMs and their networks.
Collection published: 6 March 2014

Systems Biology and Spatiotemporal Patterns
Edited by: Marc-Thorsten Huett
Incorporating the spatiotemporal organization of biological systems is a major challenge for Systems Biology. At the same time, such patterns, arising from the local interactions of the system's constituents, are an important mode of organization in biology. Spatiotemporal patterns form within single cells or in a population of cells according to the intrinsic laws of protein-protein interactions, intracellular feedback loops and (on the multicellular level) cell-cell communication. The patterns change systematically with the parameters of regulation. For Systems Biology, these patterns can thus serve as a 'microscope' for underlying forms of regulation.
Collection published: 30 January 2014